

  • 4月

    Percussion / Jazz Festival

    Jazz Band Workshop Description
    Dive into the world of jazz with our middle school workshop, 'Groovin' in Harmony.  This hands-on experience introduces students to the rhythmic wonders of jazz, 覆盖摇摆,  切分音, and the art of improvisation. Students will participate in a group ensemble setting led by Fenwick Jazz Band director Andrew Zelm. No jazz experience is required and all band instruments, 包括木管乐器, 黄铜, 钢琴, 吉他, 和低音, are welcome to attend. Participants must provide their own  instrument, excluding 钢琴.

    Percussion Workshop Description
    This hands-on experience will introduce students to the many  different instruments that make up a percussion ensemble.  Students will learn to play the instruments and engage in a rhythm workshop, playing and counting rhythms and grooves as a group. At the end of the workshop, students will use their newfound skills and knowledge to perform a percussion ensemble piece together! Participants in the workshop will work with Fenwick percussion teacher Lucas Gillan. No prior percussion or instrument experience is required. Instruments will be provided. 


    Registration deadline is 星期五day, 4月il 5, 2024
  • 4月
  • Admitted Students Night

    Our annual Incoming Freshmen Nights serve as a great opportunity to learn more detailed information about daily life 在esball世博! Topics often covered include: transportation, technology (ie: iPads), 课程, 着装规范, athletics/activities registrations & requirements, school safety, and a lot more!
    Students will have the opportunity to get to know their fellow classmates through engaging and fun activities with our Shield Mentorship members!
    Representatives from Administration, Institutional Advancement, 教师, 体育运动, 学生服务, and esball世博 will be on hand to present critical information, as well as answer any and all questions you may have remaining!
    It is a requirement for families to attend one of these sessions, and parents will need to bring a copy of their student's birth certificate.
    All sessions will be at 7:00pm in the Fenwick Library
  • 4月

    Language Course Placement Exams

    Language placement exams for level 2 will take place on 结婚nesday, 4月il 24th from 3:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 在esball世博. Placement tests will be offered for French, German, Italian, Latin, Mandarin and Spanish. Students should be registered by 太阳day, 4月il 19th. Students taking the test should wait in the atrium, bring their own writing materials and are free to leave when they are finished. 

    Please direct all questions to the World Languages Department Chair, 萨曼莎Carraher at

  • 4月


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